Andrew Goodwin writing in 'Dancing in the Distraction Factory'. (Routledge, 1992)
1) Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics
2) There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals
3) There is a relationship between music and visuals - largely to do with editing
4) The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups of artists and the artist may develop motifs which recur across their work - a visual style
5) There is frequently reference to notion of looking (screens within screens) and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body
6) There is often an intertextual reference - to films, tv programmes, etc.
Reference for intertextuality: Orange's advert featuring Snoop Dogg - references the film and music industry
Stylistic intertextuality - by imitating the style of a film, tv genre or video game
Contemporary intertextuality: Madonna - Material Girl makes reference not necessarily to Marilyn Monroe but to the archetypal Hollywood blonde who uses her looks < references a 'Diamond's are a Girl's Best Friend'
The purpose of intertextuality:
John Stuarts description of the music video 'incorporating raiding, reconstructing' is essentially the essence of intertextuality.