Friday, 8 September 2017


'Post modernism is a shortcut to mass audiences'

Postmodernism is when something considered old is brought back or recreated for the current day. This is seen in many different forms of media and other elements such as fashion.

Image result for material girl music video

Derrida suggested in his book of Grammarology that there is a critical analysis of texts that are considered classic and of a cult status. This can be sen in many music videos where a reference has been made to a cult status. An example of this is Marylin Monroes's Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend from the film Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953). It was later referenced by Madonna in the music video Material Girl. By referring to something that is considered to have a cult status, an audience is gained due to interest of how its portrays the original.

Genres go through a cycle of: experimental, cannon and postmodern. Experimental establishes the genre, Cannon works with the trend to be culturally and widely understood and postmodern is there to add humour after the genre has been established.
Image result for backstreet boys everybody music videoThis development can be seen throughout music videos through this cycle:  Silent films-> Full length talkies-> Music video.

An example of a music video that parodies another is the Backstreet Boys Everybody, there are many references to horror films such as Casper (1995). This now gains an audience through the humour, as a postmodern society can now laugh together at what is considered uncool put through a slightly more trendy way.

Postmodernism can bond with intertextuality heavily. Music videos can pay homage (a form of flattery), pastiche (imagery of one text to comment on another) and a parody. A example of a music video that pays homage is It's raining men by Gerri Halliwell, with its heavy reference to Flashdance.

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Evaluation Question 4

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?